Friday, April 25, 2014

The triangle bracelet is finished!

Huzzah and hooray!  I have finally, finally finished the "possible something"/"triangle bracelet".  If you missed the previous posts, you can catch up here, here, here, and here (those links are in chronological order).  As you can see, this bracelet took a long time.  Part of it was because I was designing it, and part of it was that it's a time-consuming bracelet to make.

Here's how it turned out:

The purple side is a bit darker in that picture than it really is.

There are fifteen double-sided triangles in that bracelet.  It's a bit larger than what an average person would need because of my mutantly-large wrists.  I don't always do it, but I frequently make the first one of a new design big enough to fit me so I can see how it feels and make sure everything works okay.

Let's take a look at it on one of my mutantly-large wrists:

The triangles stick up nicely:

Stretching the curve out causes a natural zigzag that adds an interesting look to the piece.

Here's the clasp end:

It works just fine!  Whew!  The clasp is a mighty important part of any bracelet.

So, all that's left is to choose a name and write up the tutorial.  I have gone around and around trying to come up with a name.  Technically, they're little triangular prisms.  They also look like pyramids or spikes from a dinosaur's spine.  Steve threw out "Dino Spine", and that's the best I've heard so far.  He also suggested "Prism Break", but that's being used by a company that helps people opt out of global surveillance.  I don't want to mess with them.  "Pyramid Row"?  "Circle of triangle prisms"?  A friend suggested I look up words in other languages, but that's not working for me, either.  "Dreiecksprismen"?  (That's "Triangular prisms" in German.)  Help me out here, folks.  Please give me your thoughts in the comments section or by e-mailing me at  Thanks!

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