Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Xuron 4 in 1 giveaway winners and a blog update

Thank you to Carol, Cathy, Jill, and Dawn for sharing your projects with me and my readers!  I received Dawn's e-mail with just an hour to spare, so I'll be showing you her project tomorrow.  It's great for young children just learning their shapes!

I made a video of the drawing to prove that there was nothing rigged.  Besides, it was fun to surprise Steve as soon as he came home.  :)

In case you skip the video, Jill and Cathy won!  Click those links to read their guest posts if you haven't already seen them.  Congratulations, ladies!

I just got this e-mail from Jill:
Whoo hoo!!!  I FINALLY won something.  

I'm going to plan some beading projects straight away.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I can't wait to see what she makes!

While I have you here, I want to discuss this blog and the direction I'm going to go with it.  On January 1st, I said I was going to try to create something every day and blog about it.  I had hoped that it would help with my creativity and also increase my readership and outside participation.

Six months in, I think my creativity has flourished.  I have a number of new designs and techniques with some more in the works.  I'm looking forward to see what else I'm going to come up with!

However, most of my blog posts get far fewer than 40 views, and it seems that the numbers are decreasing instead of increasing.  I appreciate each and every one of you, especially those who like my posts on my Creative Pursuits Facebook page, leave a comment on the blog, or send me projects I can post.

I am going to continue blogging, but I will miss a day here and there.  Basically, if I have something to blog about (whether it be my own project or someone else's), I'll post.  If not, then I'm going to take the day off.  I'm not going to force myself to make a quick pair of earrings or a bracelet just so I have something to blog about.  I have a number of larger projects I'd like to get to, and I need to make the time to do it.  I've been feeling very run down lately, and blogging has been taking up a lot of my awake time.

Six months is a record for one of my New Year's resolutions.  I'm breaking it with a heavy heart, but I think it'll be best for the blog, my business, and myself to take a breather every now and again.

Even though the giveaway is over, I'd still love to post your projects.  Send pictures and all the relevant information to traci@creative-pursuits.biz!

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